24th Annual Wonderland of Trees

The HLOM presents the 24th Annual Wonderland of Trees, with the theme Gingerbread and Peppermint opening November 22, from 6-8:30pm, at 131 W. Main St. Batavia NY.  Music by DSP Jazz Trio, Hors D'oeuvres provided by the Alabama Hotel and Batavia's Original Pizzeria with Desserts by a Sweet Ending Bakery.  Tickets are $20, $15 for […]

BHS Presents “Little Women”

The Batavia High School Drama Club presents "Little Women" on Friday and Saturday, November 22 & 23 @ 7pm and Sunday, November 24 @ 2pm.  Tickets available online for $9 at Cur8.com (search BHS) beginning on Nov. 4th.  $10 General Admission tickets are available at the door of the Batavia High School.

GVWE Concert

The Genesee Valley Wind Ensemble will have their fall concert at the Elba Junior/Senior High School (57 South Main St. Elba) on Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 4pm. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for Seniors, $5 for Students (with ID), and free for children under 5. Contact geneseevalleywindendemble@gmail.com or go to www.geneseevalleywindensemble.org.

Annual Ham and Turkey Raffle

On Saturday, November 23rd at 6pm, there will be a Ham and Turkey Raffle, plus a basket raffle with door prizes, with refreshments available as well.  This even is sponsored by The Attica Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary and will be held at St. Paul's United Church of Christ, 11 Washington Street, Attica.

Holiday Vendor Event

Come enjoy the Holiday Vendor Event and Chinese Raffle Baskets for Resurgence Dance Company on Sunday November 24th from 12pm-3pm at 110 W. Main St. LeRoy NY.

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