Wednesday News Brief
Written by WBTA STAFF on July 10, 2024
Graham Corporation Proposes Large Expansion
On Tuesday, Graham Corporation in Batavia brought a proposal before the Genesee County Economic Development Center board of directors to expand their facility.
The proposal is for a 28,867-square-foot expansion that would help reduce design and manufacturing costs while improving Graham’s ability to ship products. The expansion would create 24 new full-time jobs at Graham which would bring their total employee count up to 391.
Graham Corporation is coming off a profitable few years and annually has a local economic impact of 19.5 million dollars. The GCEDC board will meet on Thursday to consider Graham’s proposal and the amount of tax exemptions Genesee County is willing to offer.
GeneSEEtheEclipse Wins Statewide Award
The Genesee Chamber of Commerce announced that Genesee Counties GeneSEEtheEclipse program won a 2024 New York State Tourism Excellence Award.
The Tourism Excellence Award recognizes programs that excel in marketing, managing, and operating local destination tourism. The Genesee Chamber of Commerce created the GeneSEEtheEclipse Program to commemorate Genesee County’s spot in the path of totality for the 2024 total solar eclipse.
Kelly Rapone with the Chamber of Commerce said, “Although we are still awaiting figures for overall visitor impact, our Q2 lodging data reflects that short-term rentals in April saw a +210% in revenue over 2023 and April hotel lodging was 25% above the previous year.”
T.F. Browns Looking for Cart Theif
Tuesday morning Rick Mancuso, the owner of T.F. Browns and Mancuso Lanes announced he is offering a $75 cash reward or a $100 T.F. Browns gift card to anyone who can provide information on a theft that took place.
Monday evening a utility cart went missing behind T.F. Browns and after watching surveillance film it became clear it was stolen. The photos of the man on the surveillance film are available at
If you have any information about the suspect please contact the Batavia Police Department.