Weekend News Brief
Written by Dan Fischer on August 20, 2022

Jeremy Ives
One man has been arrested in connection with a shooting on Elm Street near East Main in the city.
47-year-old Jeremy Ives has been charged with two counts of attempted assault, criminal possession of a weapon and other crimes stemming from a shooting last Friday afternoon.
No address was listed for Ives. He accused of firing one shot from what’s believed to be a shotgun and striking two people. One required hospital treatment for minor injuries the other was treated at the scene.
Police say the motive is unclear. They did say that Ives and at least one of his knew each other.
Authorities said that following the shooting Ives fled the scene in a car along with other passengers – one of whom tried to get out of the car, but Ives allegedly threatened them preventing from escaping.
Ives is currently in county jail without bail.
A warning from the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office: avoid leaving valuables in an unattended car. Deputies say a smash and grab gang has been operating along hiking trails, parks and parking lots. They are described as well organized and go by the name The Felony Lane gang.
Governor Hochul announces that New York’s college Tuition Assistance Program is now available to part-time students. Previously, the program was available only to people enrolled in at least 12 credits per semester. Last year, 250,000 students across the state got financial support through the program, with an average award of $3,300.
With this change, taking as few as six credits are now eligible for the assistance.
New York state’s unemployment rate stands at four-point-four percent in July — the worst among America’s largest states and nearly a full percentage point higher than the national average.
Police across the state will be taking part in the latest “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” STOP-DWI campaign. Police are going to be increasing patrols through September 5th in an effort to get drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol off the roads. According to data from the University at Albany the number of police-reported impaired driving crashes went up by 11% between 2020 and 2021.