2021 Elections

Written by on November 1, 2021

Genesee County

2021 General Election

Contested Races

 Batavia City Council at-large  (Top three are elected)

Eugene A.Jankowski Jr. Republican
Jeremy W. Karas Republican
F. Robert Bialkowski Republican
Erica B. O’Donnell Democrat, Families of Batavia

Bethany Town Justice  (Top two are elected)

Joseph Nowakowski Republican, Legal Party
Jeff Wolak Republican
Peggy Johnson Justice
Nichole Szymkowiak Justice

Town of Bergen Town Council  (Top two are elected)

James S. Starowitz Republican
Anne M. Sapienz Democrat, Conservative, WOR
Teresa F. Whalin Republican

Town of Byron Town Supervisor  (Vote for One)

Peter N. Yasses Republican
Gerald L. Heins Byron Ind.

LeRoy Town Council   (vote for two)

Robert E. Fussell Democrat
Sarah Krzemien Democrat
Bill Fox Conservative
David R. Paddock Republican, Conservative
Ronald B. Pangrazio Republican

Town of Pembroke Town Council   (vote for two)

Edward G. Arnold, Jr. Republican
Helen Trowbridge Hanes Democrat, Independence
K. Warren Clark Republican


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