Adopt a Hydrant
Written by Dan Fischer on December 3, 2019
With winter now thrust upon us and in the event of an emergency, could firefighters find the closest fire hydrant near your home or business?
Fire Chief Stefano Napolitano and the members of the City of Batavia Fire Department are encouraging residents to “adopt a fire hydrant” near their home or business this winter season.
We are asking residents and business owners for their assistance in keeping fire hydrants clear of snow and debris. The Chief also
noted that this is an informal program and therefore it is not necessary to advise the department about which fire hydrants you will be keeping clear.
If possible, we ask that the “adopted” hydrants be uncovered of snow after each snowfall and provide a clear
path of approximately three feet around the hydrant. This path will allow fire department staff to quickly
locate the hydrant and obtain a water supply used in firefighting activities. Delays in locating and connecting
to a fire hydrant can hamper fire suppression activities, raising the risk of injury and furthering property damage.
Additionally, the department asks residents and business owners to contact fire headquarters at
585-345-6375 if they require assistance in clearing their hydrant or notice damage to the hydrant itself or the reflective marker attached to the hydrant.
Lastly, Chief Napolitano request to please consider helping a neighbor who may be elderly or has a
medical condition by keeping the fire hydrant clear near their residence. “Together we can help keep our
City safe this winter season” stated Napolitano.
The Fire Officers and Firefighters of the City of Batavia Fire Department would like to thank the
community for its continued support of the men and women of the department and the services that we