Afternoon News Brief
Written by Tom Tharp on November 11, 2020
COVID Update: after a lot of cases over the weekend the new case number went down significantly yesterday with just 7 new cases in Genesee county and 13 in Orleans county. 17 people recovered in Genesee county and 3 people recovered in Orleans. The health department released that 1 student at Holley high school has tested positive for COVID 19 and contact tracing is underway. There are now 87 active cases in Genesee county and 47 in Orleans.
Jamie A. Dutton has been indicted for attempted murder. Aug. 25 Dutton allegedly stabbed a person while outside the city water filtration plant on Lehigh Avenue. That person was brought to the hospital by a family member and was stabilized there. He was also indicted for first-degree assault for allegedly causing serious physical injury to a person with a knife.
A worker at the new apartment complex being built on east main street accidentally severed a 2-inch gas line while working around 2pm on Tuesday. 10 homes and businesses were evacuated as the gas leak was brought under control. It took about a half hour to seal off the leak and then people were allowed to return.
A new option for COVID-19 testing may be available soon in Western NY. Four in one rapid nasal tests can detect COVID, Flu A and B, and RSV in about 35 minutes. This new test will be used primarily for children and is currently in very short supply. Doctors are saying it tests at the DNA level to find the virus at its most basic level.