Afternoon News Brief

Written by on November 24, 2020

Genesee County is the worst performing county in the Finger Lakes Region as far as COVID-19 case positivity is concerned.  Genesee Orleans county health director Paul Petit says that he is concerned of Genesee county being designated a yellow zone but that a Vaccine could be coming within 3 weeks and that the health departments have a plan.  Petit asks residents to take care and be vigilant during the holidays.

The New York State Sheriffs Association responded today to Governor Cuomo limiting gatherings in private homes to ten people or less.  The sheriffs said that there is no way to determine if people are following the governor’s mandate without violating citizens rights to privacy and unlawful search.  The sheriffs urged people to follow health official’s guidance and help slow the spread but also said that policing them is impossible saying that they lacked the authority and resources.  Governor Cuomo said that by not enforcing his mandates the police were being dictators and unveiled a new mask being sold by New York state that says, “don’t be a turkey, wear a mask”.

If you drink, have a plan, don’t drive.  Genesee County Sheriff’s department and Batavia police will be participating in the STOP DWI program from November 25th through 29th.  The program puts police out on the streets in higher visibility locations to combat drinking and driving during the thanksgiving season when more people drink at gatherings and then go out.  In previous years this has led to a decrease of up to 20 percent in drunk driving fatalities.

The rotary club of LeRoy is running a holiday house decorating contest.  Entries must be submitted by December 5th and judging will start on December 6th.  Winners will be announced on the 20th.  The grand prize will be a 100-dollar gift card for a local business.  The link to sign up for the contest is on our website,

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