Batavia Fire Dept Issues Fireworks Guidance
Written by Dan Fischer on July 2, 2020
As we approach the July 4th Independence Day Holiday, Fire Chief Stefano Napolitano of the City of Batavia Fire Department would like to remind the residents of the City of what sparkling devices are allowed by law. “We want to ensure that our residents enjoy the holiday in a safe and responsible manner” said Napolitano.
According to the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services “Sparking Devices” are considered, “ground based or handheld devices that produce a shower of colored sparks and or a colored flame, audible crackling or whistling noise and smoke.”
Napolitano also stated, “These sparkling devices can only be bought and sold from June 1st to July 5th and from December 26th to January 1st in any given year.” Furthermore, the law states that “Sales of sparkling devices by certified temporary stands or tents can only occur from June 20th to July 5th and December 26th to January 1st in any given year.”
According to Napolitano, allowable sparkling devices under the law are sparkling fountains, sparklers on wooden sticks (not metal sticks), smoking devices, snakes confetti-filled party poppers and paper-wrapped snappers. Non-allowable and illegal devices include firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles and any other aerial devices.
As a result of COVID-19 cancelling many public fireworks displays, Chief Napolitano recommends the following alternatives to celebrate the 4th of July Holiday without fireworks. Furthermore, these alternatives are pet and children friendly.
- Use glow sticks, they glow in the dark and are a safe alternative to a sparkler.
- Use noise makers. They can be found at a local party supply store.
- Red, white and blue silly string.
- Outdoor movie night. Set up a television or screen and projector.
- Make patriotic crafts with the family.
Lastly, Napolitano states,” It is important to take the necessary fire safety precautionary steps when using these devices. Last year there were a report 18,500 fireworks related injuries in the United States each year.”
If any resident has questions regarding what is allowable or would like information regarding safety precautions, they can call the City of Batavia Fire Headquarters at 585-345-6375.