BID: Scarecrow Winners for Downtown Batavia 2019
Written by WBTA STAFF on November 1, 2019
Press Release:
Downtown Batavia- The Batavia Business Improvement District hosted its second annual Scarecrow Contest for Downtown Batavia. As a creative way to add some more fall flavor to downtown decorating, the BID invited any business, group or organization to enter the contest. For $20 each business was provided basic supplies of straw, a post and zip ties along with their pole assignment. Each business could then get creative in creating their scarecrow. All voting for favorite scarecrow ended Friday, October 25th.
The First Place Winner for 2019 is Rochester Regional United Memorial Medical Center
Second Place Winner is Licata Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Third Place Winner is Batavia Pediatrics
First place winner receives $100 cash prize, second place $75 and third place $50.
For more information on B.I.D. and Downtown events please visit our website at