Listen to WBTA or for live coverage of the Oakfield Alabama Elba High School Football game as they take on York Pavilion, 6pm, Thursday, September 29.
Holland Land Office Museum will host Connie Boyd as she shares sinister and weird documented stories of Batavia's West Side, Friday, September 30, 7pm. Call 343-4727 for reservations.
Batavia First United Methodist Church, Lewiston Road, will host a terrific treasures yard sale, Saturday, October 1, 9am to 2pm. No clothing. Bag sale starts at 1pm.
The Corfu United Presbyterian Church, 63 Alleghany Street, will host a clam chowder and fund raiser, Saturday, October 1, noon until 6pm. Eat in by the bowl or take out by the quart.
Register on line for the 5k or 10K run for the ACORNS to be held Sunday, October 2, at the Genesee County Park and Forest. Run check in starts at 8am. Race kicks off at 9am.
Holland Land Office Museum will host West Side Batavia Ghost Walks with Connie, on Fridays, in October, (October 7, 14, 21, and 28) at 7pm. Call 343-4727 for reservations.
WBTA Really BIG Radio Auction returns Saturday, October 8, 8am! Keep checking out the website for items going up for bid and get ready for Halloween and welcome fall!
Genesee Symphony Orchestra opens the new concert season, Sunday, October 9, 4pm, in the Stuart Steiner Theatre at GCC, Batavia Campus. Music from Dvorak and Ginastera will be featured. Tickets available at the box office.
Genesee County Health Dept. will host a free drive thru anti rabies immunization clinic Thursday, October 13, 4pm to 6pm, at the Genesee County Fairgrounds, Batavia. There is a limit of 4 pets per car and each dog, cat, or ferret must be at lest 3 month old. An adult who can control the animal […]
Holland Land Office Museum will host Connie Boyd as she walks you through Batavia's West Side with tales of murders, hangings, robbery, and eerie happenings, Fridays in October, 7pm. Call 343-4727 for reservations.
YWCA will host run until their voices are heard 5K for Domestic Violence Awareness, Saturday, October 15. Registration opens at 8:30am rain or shine. Race starts at 9am from the YWCA, 301 North Street, Batavia. Register online.
Oakfield Alabama Elba high school football plays at home Saturday, October 15, and WBTA will broadcast the game live and stream on, starting at 1pm.
Covington United Methodist Church, 1557 Simmons Road, will hold a ham dinner, bazaar, and bake sale, Saturday, October 15, starting at 4pm. take outs available.
Crossroads House will host their annual Spaghetti Western Dinner, Wednesday, October 19, starting at 5pm until sold out at Batavia First Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main Street. Free will offering at the door. Live music.
Holland Land Office Museum, 131 West Main Street, Batavia, will host Ken Slaughenhopt to speak on the Holland Land Survey, and its importance to Western New York, on Wednesday, October 19, 7pm. To make reservations, call 343-4727.
LeRoy High school Football takes on Letchworth, Warsaw, Perry, Friday, October 21, 7:30pm. Listen to all the action live on WBTA or streaming on
Batavia Cemetery Association will host their annual Halloween Candlelight Ghostwalk Saturday, October 22, on Harvester Avenue, Batavia. Tours begin at 7pm and run every 15minutes until 8:30pm. Reservations are required. Call 943-5662.
Stafford Volunteer Fire Dept. will host an all you can eat pancake breakfast, Sunday, October 23, 8am to 1pm,. Kids 5 and under are free. Eat in or take out.
Celebrating Cancer survivors in our community, the Pink Hatters event is back, Thursday, October 27, 4pm, at Batavia Downs. Make reservations and get your tickets at Healthy Living, Washington Avenue, Batavia. ( or call 344-5331)
Batavia Rotary Club will host Trick or Trot 5K, Saturday, October 29, 5:15pm in DeWitt Park. Spooky costumes with this fun run through Batavia Cemeteries. Sign up on line.
Knights of Columbus Council # 2240 will host a buttermilk and Buckwheat pancake breakfast, Sunday, October 30, 8am to 12:30pm in St. Vincent's Auditorium, 72 East Avenue, Attica. No charge for children under 5 years of age.
Genesee County Office for the Aging, 2 Bank Street, Batavia, will show the film, "All the Lonely People", Wednesday, November 2, 3pm to 5pm. Call 343-1611 to reserve a seat.
East Bethany Presbyterian Church, 5735 Ellicott Street Road, will hold a holiday happenings craft and vendor show Saturday, November 5, 9am to 3pm. Bake sale and food also available.
Crossroads House annual Fall Fundraiser will be held Saturday, November 5, noon to 3pm at the First Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main Street, Batavia. Lunch available.