City Announces Hiring Freeze
Written by Dan Fischer on May 4, 2020
The City of Batavia will continue to keep residents informed of service and program changes as the COVID-19 Pandemic continues
The City of Batavia will freeze hiring on all open positions across the City of Batavia. The City is facing an estimated shortfall in revenue of $2.5 Million in the General Fund that will affect many aspects of the City’s operations, including the ability to hire staff and fill positions.
The City will examine potential cost savings through a variety of measures including reduced spending, deferred purchases, and program cuts. Seventy-Two percent (72%) of the general fund spending is allocated to employee costs and various benefits related to employment. Communication and conversations with department heads and union leaders will continue as the City balances the revenue loss with delivery of critical services.
“I have directed City staff to make immediate spending reductions, freeze purchasing that can be deferred, and I have implemented a hiring freeze on all open positions in the City. These measures are only the first phase of plans to reduce spending amid projected revenue shortfalls. As the year continues the City will need to be flexible and adjust the City’s operations to keep pace with revenue shortfalls,” said Dr. Martin Moore, City of Batavia Manager.
The current open positions that will not be filled include two part-time Yard Waste Attendants, a part-time Ordinance Enforcement Officer, a full-time Laborer position, two full time Fire Fighter positions, multiple part-time summer recreation positions, and a full-time Youth Services Program Assistant.
“The summer recreation program will not be able to operate this summer due to the hiring freeze and spending reductions,” said Eugene Jankowski, President of the Batavia City Council. “I know myself, and all of Council, are disappointed that this program cannot continue this summer, but understand the difficult position the COVID-19 pandemic has put upon our City. We also will not be able to hold the Memorial Day Parade this year because of social distancing guidelines, but will still honor our Veterans with flags and flowers on their grave stones.”
Other cuts to programming and service are likely to occur due to financial constraints and because of rules and regulations that must be followed to continue to keep residents safe.
The City will continue to take proactive precautions to keep City employees safe from contracting and spreading the flu and coronavirus. Currently City Hall, and all other City buildings remain closed to residents. Facilities will re-open once a comprehensive reopening plan is in-place and with guidance from New York State and the Genesee County Department of Health and Emergency Management Office.
The City will continue to clean all facilities and wipe down all “high-touch” surfaces during the day to keep staff healthy and safe. The fire department will continue to disinfect city vehicles on a regular rotation and all city employees that currently interact with the public will continue to wear masks and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
The Department of Public works will be fitting protective paneling or “sneeze guard” shields to customer facing offices in the coming weeks.
Currently, the City has multiple options to contact employees, receive building permits, and pay bills. All departments are available via phone and email to assist you. As always in case of an emergency please call 911.
Residents who need to pay a bill are encouraged to use the drobox outside of City Hall, pay through personal online banking, call with a credit card, or mail a check.
If you need a dog license, hunting/fishing license, birth, death or marriage certificate/license please contact the City Clerk’s Office. You can also obtain information about Frequently Asked Questions on the City Clerks Page,
Questions on building permits can be directed to the Bureau of Inspection at 585-345-6345.