COVID-19 Daily Update May 14, 2020
Written by Dan Fischer on May 14, 2020
New Cases New Cases · As of 2:00 p.m. o Genesee County received 1 new positive case of COVID-19 for a total of 166 positive cases § The positive case resides in Darien. § The positive individual is in their 30’s. § The newly positive individual was not on quarantine prior to becoming symptomatic. § 1 of the previous positive cases have recovered and have been released from mandatory isolation. § 4 of the total active positive cases are hospitalized. § Genesee County has received word of one new death notification related to COVID-19. The individual was over 65. Our condolences to the family and friends of this individual during this difficult time. o Orleans County received 4 new positive cases of COVID-19 for a total of 146 positive cases § One of the positive cases resides in Ridgeway and one of the positive cases resides in Kendall. § Two of the positive cases reside at The Villages of Orleans Health & Rehabilitation Center. § One of the individuals is in their 30’s, one of the individuals is in their 60’s, and two of the individuals are in their 70’s. § None of the newly positive community cases were on quarantine prior to becoming symptomatic. § Four of the previous positive community cases have recovered and have been released from mandatory isolation. § 12 of the total active positive cases are hospitalized. Please note those in the hospital may be from the community or a state-regulated facility. We do not separate them out to protect their privacy. § Orleans County has received word of one new death notification related to COVID-19. The individual was over 65 and a resident of The Villages of Orleans Health and Rehabilitation Center. Our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of this individual during this difficult time. Click here to view the Genesee and Orleans County online map of confirmed cases
The facility breakdown is only showing those facilities from where we received a postive swab for COVID-19. Facilities will be added when and if there is a positive case of COVID-19. If a regulated facility from either of our counties is not listed, there are no positive cases of COVID-19 as of the release of this briefing. The local health departments do not have oversight with many regulated facilities, which may include nursing homes, correctional facilities, hospitals, etc.
Un-PAUSING does not mean business or life as usual! Be advised the more socialization that occurs the higher risk of transmitting the virus, especially to those who are most vulnerable. It is imperitive we still restrict social/family gatherings until we are certain to have this under control and/or there is a vaccine. It is expected we will see an uptick of positive cases and mandatory quarantines as social interaction increases. If cases increase, it shows us people may be ignoring the orders to not have gatherings of 10 or more people, not social distancing and/or not wearing face coverings properly. This can also impact our ability to continue the re-opening phases. We ask that you respect the guidance and continue to social distance.
New York State on PAUSE: To assist local authorities with enforcement of these orders, the Governor established the New York State PAUSE Enforcement Assistance Task Force where individuals can file complaints regarding the operation of non-essential businesses or gatherings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click here to file a complaint online. You may also call 1-833-789-0470. Businesses that are not in compliance with the Governor’s executive order may be penalized.
· Re-Opening Guidance: The State has provided a template for all businesses to help develop their written Safety Plan to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. This plan does not need to be submitted to a state-agency for approval, however it must be retained on the premises of the business and must be made available to the New York State Department of Health (DOH) or local health or safety authorities in the event of an inspection. Be advised the local health departments are NOT the gatekeepers in these next steps. We are NOT reviewing/approving plans and we don’t have the ability to make decisions on who is / who isn’t a part of the first phase nor have we been provided with guidance on interpreting who is and who isn’t included. o For guidance on Phase 1 re-opening, go to the NY Forward website: For the Safety Plan Template, click here. o Both Genesee and Orleans Counties operations are to stay reduced until June 7th according to the Governor’s Executive Order and Phase 1 guidelines. o Each Industry has a set of Phase One Guidelines, a summary of the guidelines, detailed guidelines, an affirmation the guidelines were read and followed and access to the Business Safety Plan Template (see link above). o For questions regarding your specific business/organization contact the Regional Control Room at o Metrics to Guide Reopening New York: o Re-opening New York: Phase 1: · Masks / Face Coverings Both counties are still low in supplies of masks. They are being distributed to high-risk agencies / businesses as prioritized and if there is a supply left over they will be distributed in an appropriate manner. County plans for releasing supplies to the public will be forthcoming as supplies become available. Additional information will be released by the respective County Emergency Management offices as appropriate. · ROC COVID-19 Health Screener: This symptom tracker for the Greater Rochester region is a scientific study collected aggregate data by zip code to track hot spots of COVID-19. The data will potentially show how the virus may be spreading, identify areas that may be at risk and determine how our efforts are working to slow the spread. You can participate by taking the daily survey whether you are having symptoms or are feeling healthy. It just takes a few seconds. To learn more go to: · New York State is seeking contact tracers. If you are interested in this position, click here to apply to be a part of the NYS Contact Tracing team. This is a moment of crisis and New York needs our help as soon as possible. · The Nursing Home hotline number is 833-249-8499 or click the link for the online form: