Evening News Brief
Written by Dan Fischer on October 5, 2021
An Attica man has been sentenced to serve four and a half years in state prison for what had been described as a hate crime.
21-year-old Dillen Powell accepted a plea deal to a charge of second-degree burglary.
Last April Powell was accused of breaking into the home of his neighbor, who is black, brandishing a knife and making racial slurs.
He was originally charged with a first degree hate crime, menacing burglary and other charges.
The LeRoy Village Board heard nearly three-hours of comment during a public hearing into a proposed senior housing project.
Eric Biscaro has proposed the project arguing there is a need for such housing and it would benefit the community.
About 50 people attended last night’s hearing, most of them opposed to the project citing traffic concerns, storm water runoff and tax incentives.
The project would be eligible for thousands of dollars in tax incentives from the county.
Another issue is the extension of East Avenue to accommodate the project. Biscaro now says that he would foot the bill for the road work saving taxpayer dollars.
The project still must go through environmental studies and final approvals before construction could ever begin.
From the Bad Girls report this afternoon:
27-year-old Carrie Anne Clay of Albion has been arrested by Genesee County Sheriff’s deputies for allegedly attacking a person with a hammer.
The fracas happened on September 25th in Byron but was just announced today. Lawmen charged Carrie Anne with burglary and assault. Her victim suffered minor injuries. Carrie Anne is being held on $5,000 bail.
Congressman Chris Jacobs has co-sponsored federal legislation changing the rules for transporting a firearm across state lines.
Jacobs says constitutional rights are not confined to state borders.
The bill changes the definitions of existing laws allowing firearms to be carried across state lines for temporary lodging, food, fuel, vehicle maintenance and medical treatment.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul maintains the state is prepared to fill any staffing issues medical centers may have as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Her comments come as two urgent care centers have been forced to close in the Albany-area, since the mandate went into effect. Governor Hochul argues one such measure is the use of student nurses, adding it won’t be a “perfect scenario” during the mandates. She also vows to eventually provide numbers as to how many hospitals and medical centers are dealing with staffing issues.