Evening News Brief
Written by Tom Tharp on May 7, 2021
The New York Restaurant Association is weighing the idea of waiving the rule about 6 foot social distancing if a restaurant agrees to only serve vaccinated customers. Governor Cuomo said that this is the plan for press being allowed to be at his briefings and at sports venues so why not restaurants? Some restaurants have already said they would not do this, Don Swartz of Veneto Wood Fired Pizza and Pasta in Rochester said “I am not going to ask anybody. From my personal beliefs, that’s your personal business.”
The wbta/Batavia Downs Mom and Me contest has ended and a winner has been chosen. Thank you to all who submitted photos. The winner is Mom Tricia and Daughter Serenity! The prize includes an “Overnight Stay and Play Package” for two persons from Batavia Downs Gaming and Hotel including a $50 voucher for dinner at Fortunes Restaurant, double-room accommodations at the Hotel at Batavia Downs and two $50 free play vouchers. Check out all the photos of moms and their daughters at wbtai.com.
Violence at the Flying J. 44 year old Jeremy Logan of Tonawanda was arrested for attacking 2 people in the flying J in Pembroke. Police say he struck them in the face and in the head multiple times causing injuries. The reason for the attack, the 2 people weren’t wearing masks inside the store. Logan was arrested and charged with 2nd and 3rd degree assault and then released.
The new boatlaunch, dock and kayak shelter have been officially opened at Dewitt Park! The ribbon cutting was this morning. The City bought and made available 10 kayaks for use by residents. Paul Osborne, County Parks Director describes the purchase. The new dock is handicap accessible and made to make launching the new kayaks a safe experience.
Six Flags Darien Lake is partnering with Genesee County to have a COVID 19 Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson Vaccine clinic on Tuesday the 11th. The clinic will take place in the Six Flags Darien Lake Human Resources building on Tuesday, May 11 from 1 to 5 p.m. Clinic participants will receive two complementary tickets to Six Flags Darien Lake in 2021. To receive the Pfizer vaccine you have to register ahead of time but you can walk in to get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.
The Sabres come to the last game in their season as the losingest team in the NHL, for the 4th time in the last 8 seasons. In their Thursday game the Sabres lost 8 to 4 to the Pittsburg Penguins. In 55 games the Sabres have just 37 points. They play the flightless birds again on Saturday at 3pm in Pittsburg.