Evening News Briefing

Written by on November 26, 2019

The problem is simple, there are too many deer in places where most people do not want them.
It’s become a nuisance and problematic for the City of Batavia to control.
A wildlife expert from the state briefed city council last night and dispelled the widely held belief that humans are pushing the deer out of their natural habitat.

Susan Booth-Binczik says residential neighborhoods create an excellent environmental for white tailed deer.
The most efficient way to control the population is hunting.

City Council President Gene Jankowski favors that approach:

City Council President Eugene Jankowski

The city is expected to soon form a committee to come up with a plan. Jankowski likes the idea of bow hunting deer in the city – less noisy.


Genesee County’s K-9 deputy gets an extra layer of protection.
The sheriff’s office announcing today that K-9 Frankie will receive a bullet and stab protective vest as a charitable donation.
A non-profit group called Vested Interest in K-9 will provide the vest to Frankie. It will be embroidered, “in memory of GS-29.” In honor of the late deputy Frank Bordonaro, Frankie’s name sake.
Just last week during a stand-off on Liberty Street Frankie was attacked with a knife but fortunately not hurt.

Susan Tercero, Macy’s Parade Producer


A High Wind Watch has been posted for the day before Thanksgiving.
The National Weather service forecasts southwest winds of 30 to 40 miles per hour with gusts up to 60.
The Watch takes effect at 7 tomorrow morning until 10 tomorrow night.
The High Wind Watch covers Genesee, Wyoming and Orleans counties.


Gusty winds on Thursday might cause problems for the balloons in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Producer Susan Tercero says it’s still too early to determine if the balloons will fly.

Winds could gust in New York City up to 40-mph on Thanksgiving Day.
City officials do not allow the balloons to fly if there are sustained winds higher than 23-mph. It could be the first time in 48 years the balloons don’t fly.


Governor Cuomo has signed off on a new law preventing consumer agencies from using your social media accounts to determine your credit worthiness.
The governor says basing someone’s credit score on who they know online is an invasion of privacy and can penalize low-income residents.
According to the government, 75-percent of credit scores are wrong since they’re based on incorrect information.
A low score could affect people when they go to apply for jobs or even fill out a housing application.


Big Pauly is hanging up his pizza pan.
Paul Berardini is selling his shop after 15 years of ownership and a total of 35 years making pies. He is selling to his manager Angela Cinquino who plans to open at the same location next week under the name of Cinquino Pizza.
Ironically, Berardini began his career working for Cinquino’s father.


“Big Pauly” Berardinia turns over his pizza oven to Angela Cinquino, who will re-open the pizza shop next week under her name


PHOTO: Courtesy The Batavian

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