Former City Court Judge Endorses Bonarigo
Written by WBTA STAFF on October 19, 2019
Press Release:
The Honarable Michael DelPlato has endorsed Ben Bonarigo for the City of Batavia Judgeship.
“I ask that you support and vote for Ben Bonarigo.” states DelPlato. “I have been blessed to practice law here in Batavia for 47 years and privileged to serve as Batavia City Judge for 12 years. I have known Ben since he was a student at the Batavia Middle School. Ben is the most experienced trial attorney in this area and is offering those skills to the citizens of Batavia.”
DelPlato also mentions that Bonarigo “..has served as City attorney, has trial experience in civil, criminal, family and municipal law, which includes extensive experience in jury trials. What a rare and unique opportunity for our voters to elect such an outstanding candidate.”
“This endorsement, coming from a former Judge who spent 12 years in the position I am seeking, who knows what the qualifications and background requirements are for the position is truly humbling” Bonarigo responded. Added Bonarigo, “coming from such a highly regarded judge, attorney and gentleman as Mike DelPlato makes this endorsement that much more gratifying to me.”