Free COVID Testing Offered in County
Written by Dan Fischer on December 2, 2020
News Release
Editors Note: This release was prepared by Earl Wells e3communications, a private Public Relations firm paid by Genesee County.
Genesee County will offer residents, who are asymptomatic (no symptoms, not feeling sick, etc.), with free drive-thru COVID-19 self-administered rapid testing on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at the Genesee County Emergency Management Office & Fire Training Facility, at 7690 State Street Road in the Town of Batavia. The free testing will be offered from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
For anyone with a recent potential exposure to COVID-19, it is not recommended to be tested until at least 5 days have passed since the exposure. Anyone with any cold or flu-like symptoms, even if mild, will not be eligible for this test, and neither will any others arriving in their car.
Those interested in scheduling a test must register on-line at
Anyone needing additional help for online registration may contact the Genesee County Health Department at 585-344-2580 ext. 5555.
“It is very important to note that this testing is not for residents who are experiencing symptoms. Those individuals should be contacting their physician to discuss treatment and testing options,” said Paul A. Pettit, MSL, CPH, Genesee and Orleans County Public Health Director. “Given the surge of infections in the county, it’s important that we identify those who are infected that may not be demonstrating any symptoms and in fact are feeling fine.”
At the drive-thru site, a staff member for the testing center will offer guidance for residents to administer their own self-test by using a cotton swab. Each person in a vehicle will self-administer their own test; if there is a minor in the car an adult in the vehicle will be asked to administer the test. People will then drive off and will be contacted via phone with the results, with option for these results to be emailed as well.
“If a person who is asymptomatic tests positive for the virus, he or she will need to be in isolation for a minimum of 10 days,” Pettit continued. “While this might discourage people from getting tested, we need to work together as a community to reduce the surge, plus someone who is asymptomatic can still infect a loved one who is not.”