Genesee County 4-H Program Seeks Volunteers for Youth Public Speaking Contest
Written by WBTA STAFF on January 16, 2020
Press Release:
The Genesee County 4-H Program is looking for volunteers to help with its upcoming 4-H Public Presentations Program. The 4-H Public Presentations Program gives 4-H youth an opportunity to expand their public speaking skills in a fun, competitive format.
The 4-H Public Presentations program would not be possible without volunteer evaluators! Evaluators watch 4-H youth participants give presentations and provide them with constructive comments to help them improve their public speaking skills.
The 2020 4-H Public Presentations Events will be held on Saturday, February 15th, 9:00am – 12:00pm; Thursday, February 20th, 3:00pm – 5:00pm and Wednesday, February 26th, 3:00pm – 5:00pm at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Office in Batavia. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer evaluator, please contact the 4-H Office at or 585-343-3040 ext. 101.