Genesee County DMV Remains Closed
Written by Dan Fischer on May 14, 2020
In light of the recent announcement that Genesee County has been included in the Governor’s Phase I plan to begin lifting restrictions in the Finger Lakes Region, I would like to clarify that unfortunately this does not apply to the Genesee County DMV. Pursuant to the Executive Orders issued by the Governor in March, every DMV in the state was closed to the public and thus far none have been cleared to reopen.
In recent days we have fielded hundreds of calls from individuals inquiring as to whether we will be reopening to the public on May 18th, so I would like to clarify and state that unfortunately the Phase I plan does not include the DMV. Therefore, until the state lifts the closure, we must remain closed to the public until further notice.
However, while we are prohibited from opening our doors to the public at this time, we remain committed to serving the public to the extent possible. Our office continues to handle a wide range of transactions submitted through the mail or deposited in one of our drop boxes. If you need to do any of the following transactions, please feel free to submit your paperwork either through the mail or preferably through one of our DMV drop boxes located on Court Street in Batavia or Main Street in Leroy:
– Registration renewals
– Transferring plates from one vehicle to another vehicle owned by the same individual
– License plate surrenders
– Driver’s license renewals, provided an electronic eye test has been submitted, or a form MV-619 Vision test is included.
If you drop off or mail any of these transactions to us, please remember to include your full name, physical address and a phone number in case we need to reach you.
Also, please rest assured that if your driver’s license or registration expired in March they are still valid and you cannot be ticketed for the expiration.
Governor Cuomo, through executive order extended all of those expiration dates “until further notice”. I, along with other County Clerks, have advocated to him and our state Commissioner of Motor Vehicles to continue extending those expirations so that when we do reopen, we can do so in a measured, controlled manner. Otherwise, a situation may be created where maintaining order and social distancing in our office would be extremely difficult with the surge of customers.
Once we are cleared to reopen the DMV to the public, we are putting measures in place to help ensure the safety of both the staff and our customers through limiting the number of customers in the office, identifying safe distancing locations for those in line, and requiring the wearing of masks to enter the building and our office. Further, we are restricting entrance to only the door on the west side of building, between County Building #1 and the Old Courthouse. The exit will be on the east side of the building on Court Street. This will minimize the risk of contact between people passing in the hallways.
We appreciate everyone’s patience through this difficult time, and I remain confident that we can get through this together until some semblance of normalcy returns. If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email. at