Hawley to Pistol Owners: ‘Preserve The 2nd Amendment By Keeping Your Pistol Certified’
Written by Dan Fischer on December 13, 2017
Press Release:
In his ongoing efforts to preserve our Second Amendment rights, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today reminded pistol permit holders to re-certify their permits by January 31, 2018 in order to prevent them from becoming invalid. If your pistol permit was issued before January 15, 2013, you must re-certify your permit before January 31, 2018. If your permit was issued on or prior January 15, 2013, the deadline is five years after the date the permit was issued.
“Unfortunately, this is a new mandate on pistol permit holders in New York and the first year that owners have to re-certify,” Hawley said. “The deadline is coming up and many New Yorkers may be unaware of these new requirements. As much as we may disagree with the unconstitutional Safe Act, if we come out in droves to re-certify it will send the message to state leadership that we cherish our Second Amendment right to bear arms, and will not be silenced by any big government policies, as frustrating as they might seem.”
If you are a New York state pistol permit holder and need to re-certify your license or would like more information, please visit the New York State Trooper Website here. Additionally, feel free to contact my office with questions at (585) 589-5780, or email me at hawleys@nyassembly.gov.