“I Am Who I Am” FREE Music Night at GCC

Written by on November 13, 2019

Press Release:

What: “I Am Who I Am” FREE Music Night at GCC

When: Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 6 – 8:00 p.m.

Where: Genesee Community College ~ Batavia Campus ~ Forum

Who: FREE and Open to the Public

Background: The Christian Students Club at Genesee Community College (CSU) invites the college and the community to a Music Night with an “I Am Who I Am” theme on Thursday, November 21, 2019, from 6 – 8 p.m. in the William W. Stuart Forum of the Batavia Campus located at One College Road, Batavia, NY 14020.

CSU welcomes all to enjoy some free pizza, cake, homemade baked goods and to enter a drawing for a raffle basket as you enjoy a night of music, readings and testimonies meant to help people to experience the truth of God’s love.

CSU will be selling homemade baked goods, and the proceeds will go to the student club’s sponsoring of shoeboxes filled with gifts for children in other countries as part of the Operation Christmas Child program.

CSU’s student mission is to edify and encourage one another to be the light of Christ at GCC. The club welcomes all students regardless of their religious affiliation, and the group meets on Thursdays, 12:30 – 2 p.m., in GCC’s Conable Technology Building, Room T122.

Any questions can be referred to the CSU co-presidents, students Anna Sprout asprout@my.genesee.edu and Katie Lamphier klamphi1@my.genesee.edu, or to the CSU advisor, Jim Simon jsimon@genesee.edu, 585-798-1688, x4191.

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