Written by on September 23, 2019

Judge Durin Rogers with Michael J. Connors, Troop “A” Delegate for the New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)

Press Release:

BATAVIA, NY-Part-time Batavia City Court Judge Durin Rogers has received yet another crucial endorsement supporting his effort to become Batavia’s next full-time City Court Judge. The New York State Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA) representing more than 2,000 active and retired State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation officers has given Judge Rogers its enthusiastic support citing his experience and years of public service.

In a letter to Judge Rogers, speaking on behalf of the Investigators Association, President Christopher Quick and Troop A Delegate Michael J. Connors stated: “It is with great pride that we support your candidacy for City of Batavia Court Judge. For almost four (4) years, you have served on the bench…following a unanimous appointment by the Batavia City Council…During that time you have had the opportunity to handle thousands of cases, including criminal, civil, housing, drug court and Veteran’s Court; gaining valuable experience throughout”.

President Quick and Delegate Connors also cited as a factor in support of his candidacy, Judge Rogers’ “successful, long-term career as a prosecutor with the Genesee County Attorney’s Office, handling family offense domestic violence petitions…juvenile delinquency petitions, pistol permit hearings and child abuse and neglect filings…The New York State Police Investigators Associations appreciates your years of service and our membership has great confidence in your ability and foresight…we offer our full support in your candidacy…”

In response to the NYSPIA endorsement Judge Rogers commented: “I am honored and grateful to the New York State Police Investigators Association for their endorsement. Their support, along with the many other public officials and community members who have supported me in my effort to become Batavia’s next City Court Judge, only serves to confirm my commitment to our great community. As I canvas this great City and visit with our local citizens, I continue to listen to the people and their concerns and issues with our system of Justice. If elected I look forward to serving this community faithfully, professionally and with the highest standard of excellence and ethics.”

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