Lecture by Director of Civil Service in Genesee County, Anita Cleveland 

Written by on October 25, 2019

Press Release:

What: Anita Cleveland, Director of Civil Service in Genesee County Lecture About Her Career in Human Resources

When: Thursday, November 7, 2019 from 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Where: Genesee Community College

One College Road, Batavia, NY 14020 – Room T102-Conable Technology Building

Live remote streaming available at: http://www.genesee.edu/home/event-streaming/

Who: FREE and open to the public! All are invited and welcome!

Meeting professionals and hearing how their college degrees led to life-long rewarding careers are among the most dynamic aspects of enrolling in college. Students often learn that their occupational journey is not a straight pathway, but winding road with many interesting curves and even a few detours. This is true in all occupations, but perhaps more so with Business Administration where technology has significantly altered the skill set in all industries.

The steps that Anita Cleveland took to become the current director of Civil Service in Genesee County illustrates how a vocation can progress from entry-level to administration with careful career management and continued professional development. She received her AS in Business Administration from GCC in 2005, and started at Genesee County as a clerk in the Human Resources department in 2006. In 2013, she advanced to a specialist position after earning a BS in Business, Management and Economics with a concentration in Human Resources from Empire State College. Starting as receptionist and clerk and advancing to her current role as the director of Civil Service in Genesee County is an interesting example of a well-managed, but not entirely pre-planned career trajectory.

“I try to instill in my students a sense of openness and flexibility in their approach to their careers,” Jean Chenu, GCC’s associate professor of Office Technology said. “Anita’s story is compelling for many reasons and I know my students will find her pathway to success reaffirming.”

Genesee Community College continues to develop new degrees, courses and curriculum that are relevant to the fluctuating economy, workforce needs and business forecast. A plan to introduce micro-credentials next fall are the latest opportunities under review and investigation as a means of helping student and workers fast-track their specific interest for the changing job market. Human resources is among the occupations being explored.

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