Midday News Brief

Written by on November 23, 2021

A new headquarters for the Batavia Police Department has been talked about for almost 20 years. Finally, last night, council approved spending over $370,000 to hire a private firm to manage the project.
The police station is now estimated to cost over $10.5-million and take over three years to build.
The site is Bank Street and Alva Place.
The existing police headquarters on West Main is 160 years old.

Council also approved a six-year labor contract with the CSEA. The contract covers 18 city employees. It provides a 2.5-percent pay raise in each year of the contract.

The Genesee County Jail is welcoming visitors again. Visitation resumes today for those inmates who are not in quarantine. Visitation had been halted to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

When it comes to battling the coronavirus, New Yorkers 18 and older are doing their part to try and end the pandemic. Governor Hochul’s office says that 90-percent of people in that age group have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, just over 80-percent of people 18 and older have been fully vaccinated.

The final report from outside lawyers in ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo’s misconduct investigation has been released. Those attorneys found Cuomo engaged in several instances of sexual harassment, fostered a hostile work environment and also wasn’t transparent in reporting the number of nursing home residents who died due to COVID-19.
It was also discovered that Cuomo utilized state resources for the memoir he wrote on how he handled the COVID-19 crisis.

Want to give a brand-new Corvette to someone for Christmas?
If you can’t exactly afford the car, you could give a chance for one.
The Batavia Rotary Club is now selling its annual Corvette Raffle tickets.
They are $50 each, or three for $100. The drawing will be held on February 26th. Tickets are available at WBTA Studios or any Batavia Rotarian.

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