Midday News Brief

Written by on February 10, 2021

It was a challenging year for the men and women of the Batavia Police Department. Chief Shawn Heubusch called it a “tumultuous and trying year” keeping the peace, answering calls for service – all within the all within the confines of a global pandemic.
The report contains a variety of statistics:
There were no homicides, but 13 rapes, three were solved by arrests; 12 robberies with seven arrests 45 burglaries with 16 arrests.
The department reported 248 cases of domestic violence.
You can read the entire report HERE

Genesee County reports 28 new COVID positive cases. Seventeen of the current positive individuals are hospitalized. Just three new cases were reported in Orleans County, with three individuals hospitalized. In Wyoming County, two new cases were reported since Monday. One additional death was also reported in Wyoming County.

Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced New York’s 7-day average COVID-19 positivity rate has dropped to 4.38 percent, its lowest since December 1. Cuomo said the post-holiday surge reduction is continuing. As of today, the number of people in the Finger Lakes region hospitalized with COVID has dropped to 398.

From Genesee County Board of Elections…Any party enrollment change requests must be received at the Board of Elections office by close of business Friday in order to be eligible to vote in the Primary on June 22nd or the Early Voting dates beginning June 12th. You can find a voter registration form to print off from Board’s website.

The Buffalo Sabres have returned to practice after a weeklong pause due to concerns over coronavirus. The team was back on the ice at KeyBank Center yesterday even though several players remain on the NHL’s COVID-19 protocol list.
Their next contest is expected to be against the New York Islanders Monday.

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