Midday News Brief
Written by Tom Tharp on April 12, 2021
Colleges and universities around New York will soon be getting the COVID-19 vaccine in an effort to get young people inoculated. This comes as New York expanded eligibility for the vaccine to all people 16 and older – and as younger demographics continue to see spikes in infection rates. Gov, Andrew Cuomo announced Monday at Suffolk Community College that SUNY schools would be taking the lead in a new initiative aimed at vaccinating college students directly on-campus. Cuomo said the state is pushing to get all students vaccinated by the end of the school year, SUNY schools will be receiving an allotment of the vaccine to help achieve that goal.
New York still has the 2nd highest unemployment in the country with 8.8 percent compared to the national average of 6 percent. The number 1 spot goes to Hawaii with 9.2 percent. Genesee county is at 6.6 percent unemployment which is way down from last year when it was above 12 percent. A hiring boom is expected as more and more restrictions are lifted.
Senator Chuck Schumer is trying to get money released to help combat the massive increase in anxiety depression and other mental health illnesses this year. More than 3 times as many people reported mental health problems than last year. 5 billion dollars was included in the American Rescue Plan for New Yorkers dealing with mental health problems but has yet to be released. Schumer is asking for a quick release.
If you paid for a vaccine for COVID then you may have been scammed. New York Attorney General Letitia James is issuing an alert urging people to report any charges they got for COVID vaccines. The vaccines are free and available for anyone over 16 years old. If you were charged call 18007717755.
The price of Gas is down 1 penny in Batavia this week. It is 2.84 for a gallon of regular. The New York State Average is down a penny to 2.89. Last year the average was 2.26.
The Sabres won against the Philadelphia Flyers on Sunday 5 to 3. The Sabres announced that they are trading Taylor Hall and Curtis Lazar to the Bruins in return for Anders Bjork and a 2nd round pick. Their next game is against the Boston Bruins on Tuesday at 7pm.