Midday News Brief

Written by on May 5, 2021

Patrick McGee


A new superintendent has been selected for the Byron-Bergen School District.
Patrick McGee, the current Junior-Senior High School principal at B&B, is expected to take over as superintendent on or before July 1.
McGee has spent his entire professional career at Byron-Bergen. He started as a teacher in the district 14 years ago.
During his tenure as high school principal, B&B has been selected by US News’ Best High Schools for the past three years.


The Alexander Town Board has planned a public hearing next week regarding a Local Law to establish Zoning Codes to regulate Large Scale Solar Systems.
The hearing will be held at the town Hall this Monday night at 7pm.
Written comments will be accepted prior to that date. A copy of the Local Law is on file at the Town Hall for review.

The city of Batavia and the public have been updated on the progress of Jackson Square improvements.
The city expected to have close to $900,000 dollars available to improve the summer concert venue.
Work includes new decorative pavement, a new class topped stage, lighting and seating.

(Photo Left) Rendering of Jackson Square with new pavements and stage

(Photo Below) Layout of the Jackson Square project









Genesee County reports 16 new positive cases of COVID-19. Five of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.
Officials in Orleans County report a dozen more cases with two of the individuals hospitalized.

State lawmakers have passed bills that would establish safer staffing levels at both nursing homes and hospitals in New York. One measure calls for the state Health Commissioner to mandate the minimum number of people on duty at nursing homes and fine facilities who don’t meet that standard.

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