Midday News Brief

Written by on June 18, 2021

 Jacob Minnick

The questions surrounding the drowning death of a young man at Indian Falls are compounded today by the knowledge that he was an accomplished swimmer.
18-year-old Jacob Minnick of Lockport drown yesterday afternoon in Tonawanda Creek at Indian Falls in Pembroke.
We have learned today that Jacob had just finished his first year at Clarion University in northwestern Pennsylvania. It was there that Jacob was an active member of Clarion’s Men’s Swim Team.

Genesee County Emergency Management Coordinator Tim Yeager says the Tonawanda at Indian Falls is familiar territory to first responders

Clarion University head swimming and diving coach Bree Kelley described Jacob as a very sincere, polite and caring kid. Jacob graduation from Lockport High School. He was a biology and Ecology major at Clarion.

Jill Wiedrick

More shuffling of management at Batavia City Hall.
The city announcing today the appointment of Batavia native Jill Wiedrick to the post of Assistant City Manager.
Wiedrick holds a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning. She was once a senior planner for Genesee County and is currently Manager of Zoning for the City of Rochester.
She will return to Batavia as required by charter.


Batavia’s Juneteenth celebration is tomorrow at Williams Park from 12-7 pm. There will be vendors, food, horses, & more. More information has been posted on the Batavia City School District website.

Genesee County continues to ask residents to conserve water, especially on hot dry days. Why? Two reasons – The first is that the water infrastructure improvements the County planned to have in place by the summer of 2020 still have not been completed due to the pandemic. Second, and more recently, the water level in the aquifer that feeds the City of Batavia Water Treatment Plant is approaching historic lows. Without water conservation measures in place, had events like Monday’s large barn fire in Le Roy occurred in the middle of a hot/dry stretch, there would have been major supply issues.

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