Morning News Brief

Written by on October 7, 2021

A mercy flight helicopter returning from Strong Memorial hospital made a hard landing at Genesee county airport at around 9:30 last night.  The Bell 429 helicopter sustained damage to its underside fuselage and the crew were taken to the hospital as a precaution but no injuries were reported. The reason for the crash is under investigation. 

Just before noon on Wednesday a neighbor saw smoke coming out of 127 Tracy Ave and called the fire department.  Its a good thing they did as a fire had started in the kitchen and no one was home.  Batavia Fire Department reports that the fire was oxygen deprived so it didn’t grow out of control.  The home did not suffer much fire damage.  Lots of smoke damage throughout the house and unfortunately one cat died.  

Genesee and Orleans counties are under a special weather advisory this morning for areas of dense fog.  The weather service predicts that there will be visibility obscuring fog in low lying areas until about 10am this morning.  Be careful when driving as you may not be able to see far ahead.

The state highway department announced yesterday that they will begin using speed cameras on the thruway in work zones.  The pilot program will include 30 cameras across the state set up in 10 work zones.  This is to combat highway worker deaths.  About 123 workers are killed a year nationally.  No start or end dates have been announced.

A 75 year old Rochester man has died from COVID after Rochester General and Rochester Regional Health refused to treat him with Ivermectin.  Jeremy Carter was hospitalized last week with COVID and his condition deteriorated to the point that he was placed on a ventilator.  His primary care provider recommended Ivermectin as it has helped in other similar situations.  Ivermectin is a Nobel Prize Winning drug mostly prescribed for parasites in humans that has been described in the media as a horse de-wormer and is not FDA approved for treatment of COVID.  The hospital refused to give it to Carter prompting a lawsuit.  The judge order the hospital to treat him with the drug but they refused and appealed the decision.  The new decision was set for Monday but Carter died on Sunday.  His attorney, Ralph Lorigo, says that he has filed 3 lawsuits for Ivermectin treatments in Rochester Regional Health facilities and all of those were granted and the people recovered and went home.  He questions the reasoning for stopping treatments when a person is headed for death.

St Paul Lutheran School is having a chicken BBQ fundraiser on Sunday the 10th.  Chiavettas tickets are 12 dollars a meal.  Starts at 11am and goes till 3 or sold out.  You can call the church at 585 343 0488 to order yours. 

The governor announced the second round winners of the NFL cooperative vaccine prizes yesterday and they include 1 person from Genesee county.  Chad Kowalik won prizes from the Buffalo Bills after being vaccinated against COVID.  Prizes could be game tickets, in game experiences, stadium tours, signed gear or meet ups with the players.  The contest goes through October 24th for anyone who receives their first dose before then

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