Morning News Brief
Written by Tom Tharp on October 28, 2021
State Attorney General Letitia James has signaled her intent to run for the governor’s office in the 2022 election. Although she has not officially announced her intent yet, the New York Times is reporting that her aides have have told political and union leaders she intends to run. The rumor of James possibly running for governor has been a well publicized one, with even former Governor Cuomo’s legal team using it as one of the factors they say led to Cuomo’s resignation.
A new exhibit at the Rochester Museum & Science Center is pretty big. It’s so big, large machinery was necessary to move it in. Expedition: Dinosaur opens Nov. 5. It brings robotic reptiles from the Mesozoic era to life. There’s even a climbable T-Rex. Crews installed it earlier this week at the museum. Advance tickets are available at the RMSC website.
Liberty Pumps broke ground yesterday on a new expansion. The 107 thousand square foot addition is anticipated to create 30 new jobs at the Byron Bergen facility. The ground breaking ceremony was attended by members of Genesee County Economic development Center and state and local partners. CEO of Liberty Pumps Charlie Cook says that the new expansion will “relieve congestion” and “free up manufacturing space for large pump systems.”
Batavia Police have announced the official hours for Trick or treating this year. Going door to door will go till 8pm officially. The PD remind parents and kids to cross streets at corners and in well lit areas, make sure drivers see you before crossing and use some light colors or reflective tape in your costume or candy bag. For drivers, slow down, stay alert, and keep your headlights on. Together we can have a safe and fun Halloween.
Over the coming weekend at several churches are having Trunk R Treat in their parking lots. The United Methodist Church at 8221 Lewiston Rd is having theirs saturday from 2 to 4. Emmanuel Baptist Church at 190 Oak street is putting one on Halloween Night from 5-7. Grace Baptist Church at 238 vine street is having theirs 530 to 730 on Halloween as well. Tunk r Treats are great for kids to have the trick or treat experience without the dangers of traffic and dark streets.