Morning News Brief

Written by on May 17, 2023

The unofficial results are in for School District Budget votes in Genesee County.  In Alexander the Budget passed with 173 yesses to 57 nos and the propositions for more busses, establishing a capital reserve, bus reserve fund and an equipment reserve fund passed with similar votes.  The Board of Education vote saw Sara Fernaays elected with 97 votes. In Batavia the budget passed with 263 voting yes and 65 voting no and both propositions passing.  Alice Ann Benedict and Barbara Bowman were elected to the Board of Education.  In Byron Bergen the yesses have it with 380 voting yes on the budget and 108 voting against.  In Elba 110 people voted yes on the budget and 11 people voted no and both propositions were passed.  Dean Norton is still on the School Board with 111 votes.  In Leroy the budget and library budget passed with 388 and 413 yes votes.  Denise Duthe and Jacalyn Whiting were elected to the school board.  Oakfield Alabama the budget passed with 432 votes and Jackie Yunker Davis, Pete Zeliff and Natalie Emerson were elected to the School Board.  In Pavilion the budget passed with 192 yes votes and Chris Jeffres, Lana Flint and Roxanne Holthaus were elected to the school board.  In Pembroke the budget passed with 277 yes votes and John Cima continues on the board.

A fire in Darien was a challenging fight according to Genesee County Emergency Management Coordinator Tim Yaeger.  No Hydrants, high winds and dry conditions on Tuesday made for perfect conditions for fires to catch and spread.  The fire at 2044 Sumner Rd was reported at around 8:30 in the morning.  The Owner of the property was doing an intentional burn and the wind whipped the fire into the corner of a nearby barn and flying embers then caught on the inside.  No injuries to homeowners, firefighters or livestock and half the barn was saved.  Yaeger said that the fire department also was challenged by a lack of volunteers.  Most of the volunteers have been serving for 30+ years and many more are needed.  If you feel you could help in a fire department in any way please go and sign up.

Inside the 2024 NYS budget is a 67% increase for film tax credits, which members of the industry say will bring an economic boost to Western New York.  The film tax credits will be used to give back to the community through jobs and employing local workers for film productions. Western New York Native William Fichtner spoke about how studios select where to film.  He said “the states with the best tax credits are the places that the films are going to shoot in.”  Fichtner hopes to bring his expertise to Western New York with a possible future project.

There is a Freeze Watch in effect for Wyoming and Livingston Counties overnight tonight.  Starting at 8pm and going through Thursday morning frost and freezing temperatures could kill crops and sensitive vegetation.  Unprotected outdoor plumbing could also be damaged.  Cover up your plants and either wrap or drain your plumbing to avoid the cold effects.  

St James Episcopal Church is partnering with Eggertsville’s St Peter’s Episcopal Church to sell Perogies to benefit a Ukrainian family moving to the US and trying to get started.  Friday May 19th from 10 to 4 a cash only cookie and pierogi sale will be going until sold out.  The mother of the family, who made the perogies, will be present.  The previous sale sold out very quickly so if you want some homemade perogies you should get there early.

Legends Hospitality has confirmed they will be taking over hospitality services in the new Buffalo Bills stadium.  Legends already had a relationship with the Buffalo Bills for the new $1.54 billion stadium in Orchard Park. The company was picked to lead planning, project management, sales, and partnerships. Now they’ll also take over hospitality.  Legends is no stranger to NFL stadiums, having partnerships with SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, and Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.  Delaware North has provided concessions for Buffalo Bills games since 1992, but there have been questions recently if there’s conflict of interest. Governor Kathy Hochul’s husband, Bill Hochul, works for Delaware North.

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