Morning News Brief

Written by on September 3, 2021

Police agencies across Genesee County chase a pick-up truck at high speeds along Route 5 through downtown Batavia.
The chase began last evening in the town of Batavia when State Police began their pursuit of a black Chevrolet Silverado.
Before long Genesee County Sheriff’s Deputies and city of Batavia Police joined in. Witness said at one point as many as 10 patrol cars with sirens blaring chased the pick-up along Main Street through the City.

Spike strips were deployed blowing out all four tires of the truck, but the vehicle did not stop. It raced through Main Street on rims.

















Laura Pedro, owner of Blondies Ice Cream, watched the end of the chase directly in front of her store:

Two occupants of the truck – a man and a young woman – were taken into custody. No one was injured.


Police across New York will be keeping an extra eye out for dangerous drivers this Labor Day holiday weekend. Travelers can expect to see additional patrols as officers look to get people who are driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol off the road. The STOP-DWI enforcement campaign is already underway and runs through September 6th. Last year, police statewide issued over 116-thousand traffic tickets during their Labor Day crackdown including more than 32-hundred arrests for impaired driving.

The Hundredmark Road Bridge in Elba , at the intersection of Spoil Bank Road, will be closing on Tuesday for a bridge replacement project.
This project is expected to take three months.
During this time the road will not be passable to regular traffic or emergency vehicles. A detour will be posted.

General Motors has announced the temporary layoffs of hundreds of employees at its plant in the Erie County Town of Tonawanda. Officials with the automaker say the company is currently scaling back vehicle production due to an ongoing microchip shortage.

Chicken Wing lovers are going to be in their glory this weekend when the National Buffalo Wing Festival gets underway. The event runs tomorrow from noon until nine and Sunday from noon until seven at Highmark Stadium in Orchard Park. Admission is 20 bucks. at provides several services to people in need. More information is available online at

High School Football begins its second season of the year tonight. WBTA will broadcast the traditional rivalry between LeRoy and Cal-mum beginning at 7 tonight from Cal-mum High School. Tomorrow, the station will broadcast the Oakfield-Alabama/Elba Aggies game against Cuba-Rushford/Hinsdale. Kickoff for this contest is 1pm.

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