Morning News Briefing
Written by WBTA STAFF on October 2, 2019
Former Republican Congressman Chris Collins is waiting to find out how long he could be behind bars.
Collins, who represented the 27th District, pleaded guilty yesterday to two felony counts in connection with an insider trading scheme.
U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Geoffrey Berman, spoke with reporters outside of the federal court in New York…
Collins will be sentenced in January and is looking at a possible 4 and 3/4 years in federal prison per his plea agreement according to the Buffalo News.
Governor Cuomo says he’s considering calling for a special election following the resignation of the 27th Congressional District representative.
During a radio interview yesterday, the governor said he’d like the election to be sooner rather than later, but didn’t announce a specific date.
Democrat Nate McMurray, who lost to Collins last year, has already said he’ll run for the position.
Several Republicans have also expressed interest.
LeRoy student arrested for messaging a threat to the school.
The Junior-Senior High School student is allegedly sent a SnapChat message threatening harm to students last Friday leading to a district wide closure and lockout.
According to LeRoy Police a parent of one of the message recipients contacted the Safe School Helpline to advise them of the threat.
After consulting with the Assistant County Attorney the LeRoy Police Department, will be charging the juvenile with Falsely Reporting an Incident in the 3rd Degree.
The matter was turned over to the Genesee County Family Court for further action.
Former Batavia athlete Antwan Odom appeared in Genesee County Court yesterday for opening statements for the first day of the trial against him.
Odom faces charges of felony first degree assault after slashing his teammate, Ray Leach, during an altercation between former teammates on the Batavia football team last summer.
According to our news partner, The Batavian, Odom’s lawyer says that while both men admitted they fought, the police would not arrest Leach, Batavia’s star player.
The trial continues in Genesee County Court this morning beginning with Leach’s physician’s testimony.
Senator Schumer calls for guidelines to help finance hemp farms.
Sen. Chuck Schumer stopped at Mills Family Farm on Ham Road in Basom yesterday to announce a new push by his office to get bank regulators to hurry up and write guidelines for banks seeking to do business with hemp growers.
Schumer sees hemp as a potential cash crop for Western New York…
The Senator continued to say that currently bank regulators are standing in the way and have been unwilling to extend credit to farmers who want to start or expand hemp operations.
For more on the story check the video and article by our news partner The Batavian.