Morning News Briefing
Written by WBTA STAFF on October 22, 2019
Fire crews from Orleans County were called to a working house fire in Lyndonville this morning.
The call for a working house fire at 11848 Roosevelt Highway in Lyndonville went out around quarter to five this morning.
According to scanner reports Lyndonville, Medina, Shelby, Ridgeway and Kendall Fire were called into action along with County Fire investigators.
Fire crews had most of the fire extinguished by approximately 6 this morning.
An ambulance was called to respond for a resident who was rescued from the fire.
No word yet on the extent of their injuries.
The state’s GOP chairman wants a special election in the 27th Congressional District to be held sooner rather than later.
Nick Langworthy says making sure Western New York is represented in Congress is important, considering all the debate around President Trump’s possible impeachment.
The seat has been open since ex-Republican Congressman Chris Collins pleaded guilty to federal insider trading charges.
Governor Cuomo’s office hasn’t said when a special election could take place.
A crash on Lewiston Road in Batavia is being blamed on a numb left arm.
Clayton Thomas Skye of Westfane told deputies he lost control of his red 2003 Chevrolet pickup on Lewiston Road after his arm went numb around noon Sunday before crashing into a Honda sedan driven by 58 year old Donna Woodworth of Batavia Oakfield Townline Road, Batavia. Skye was driving his pickup south on Lewiston Road between the Thruway overpass and Veterans Memorial Drive when it crossed the centerline into the northbound lane and struck the driver-side fender of Woodworth’s sedan.
Woodworth along with Skye and Skye’s passenger were injured in the crash.
There were no citations issued.
State health officials want to make it a bit easier for e-cigarette users to kick the habit.
They’ve now expanded services through the New York State Smoker’s Quitline to offer folks who use e-cigarettes free coaching and nicotine replacement.
The move comes in response to a growing number of vaping-related illnesses nationwide.
Anyone interested in getting help can call 1-866-NY-Quits.
A member of the Miami Dolphins says he regrets an incident with a Buffalo Bills fan.
Bobby McCain got into an altercation with a fan who said McCain spit on him after the Dolphins lost to the Bills at New Era Field Sunday.
McCain also allegedly threatened to spit on a 13 year old boy before the game started.
The Dolphins say McCain will be punished, and he apologized for what happened while talking with reporters yesterday.
The Buffalo News reports the Erie County Sheriff’s Office and NFL are looking into the incident.