Morning News Brief
Written by Michael Baldwin on March 30, 2021
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a new expansion of COVID-19 vaccine eligibility in New York. Beginning this morning, all New Yorkers 30 years of age and older will be eligible to receive the vaccine. Beginning April 6, universal eligibility goes into effect and all New Yorkers 16 years of age and older will be eligible to receive the vaccine. To date, nearly 369,000 residents of the Finger Lakes have had at least one vaccine dose and 203,000 have had the complete vaccine series.
The Buffalo Bills have announced that Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York will be the new naming rights partner for Bills Stadium. Effective immediately, the home of the Bills will now be named Highmark Stadium. Under the agreement, the Bills and Highmark will work together towards enhancing regional health and wellness through various activation opportunities at Highmark Stadium. Fans can expect to see the signage transformation completed over the coming months and will be in place by the kickoff of the Bills 2021 season in September. The Buffalo Bills will host a ceremony today with Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York to celebrate the partnership. The event will be streamed live on the Bills’ social media channels.
The Western New York National Cemetery is open and accepting donations of interment flags for their Avenue of Flags program. To donate your interment flag to be flown in memory and in honor of your loved one or for more information contact 585-344-4295 or Of the 143 national cemeteries in the United States, only three are participating in the Avenue of Flags program, including the Western New York National Cemetery.
The national average price of gas is down two cents this week, while New York’s didn’t change. Batavia prices dropped a penny from last week to $2.84. The New York average is $2.91/gallon; One year ago, the national average was $2.02 and New York’s was $2.34. Triple-A says growing stock levels have helped to put downward pressure on pump prices.
The Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments have Pfizer and Moderna vaccination clinics with appointments available for Genesee and Orleans counties’ residents. Whichever COVID-19 vaccine is available is the right vaccine to get now! All approved vaccines are effective and saves lives.
Since Friday, Genesee County reports 34 new COVID cases. Twenty of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list. Two infected people are hospitalized. One of the new positive individuals is a resident of the New York State Veteran’s Home at Batavia. Orleans County reports 11 new cases with one hospitalization. Four of the new positive individuals are inmates of the Albion Correctional Facility. Meanwhile, 18 new cases have been reported in Wyoming County since Friday. Twenty-seven people are in mandatory isolation. Forty-nine people have died from virus-related complications.
Embattled Governor Andrew Cuomo is facing another accuser. This one is a resident of Western New York who says the state elected official made her uncomfortable – in her own home. Sherry Vill claims Cuomo made her uncomfortable when he kissed her on the cheek in front of her husband and son during a 2017 tour of flood damage to her home near Lake Ontario. Vill says she is not pressing charges but is willing to participate in the New York Attorney General’s investigation into the governor.
St. Paul Lutheran School announces that they will be adding sixth grade, beginning with the 2021-2022 academic year. The school is currently accepting registrations for preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds, as well as kindergarten through sixth-grade. The school is located at 31 Washington Ave. in the City of Batavia.