OFA Director Ruth Spink-Retirement
Written by WBTA STAFF on January 23, 2020
Pictured L-R: Legislator Gary Maha, OFA Director Ruth Spink, Legislature Chair Rochelle M. Stein, Legislator Gordon Dibble
Press Release:
BATAVIA – Ruth Spink attended her last monthly management meeting January 15th before retiring from the Genesee County Office for the Aging where she served as director. Before reading a retirement commendation, Genesee County District #9 Legislator Gary Maha shared memories of when he met Ruth years ago. County Manager Jay Gsell thanked Ruth for her dedication to ensuring quality, relevant services were provided to Genesee County’s senior and disabled population. He went on to say, “Ruth recognized the value of older adults, their wisdom and experience, and worked tirelessly to embrace the positives of aging.”
Ms. Spink began her employment with OFA as the aging services specialist in 1994 and was promoted to services administrator in 2001. She went to work at the Genesee County Nursing Home as a supervisor before returning to OFA in 2006 where her vision for the department was to become more of a long-term care support system for the county, as well as a resource for information and referral. Ruth took great care to empower OFA employees and began an informal cross-training program to allow employees to learn aspects of different jobs.
Nearly all County department heads and supervisors were on hand to congratulate Ruth. It was bittersweet for all who heard for the last time how much she loved working for Genesee County.