Ranzenhofer Backs Rogers for Batavia City Court

Written by on October 16, 2019

News Release

Durin Rogers (left) and State Senator Michael Ranzenhofer

BATAVIA, NY- Emphasizing his experience, integrity, temperament and commitment, New York State Senator Michael Ranzenhofer has given an enthusiastic boost to Judge Durin Rogers in his effort to succeed retiring Judge Robert Balbick as Batavia’s next full-time City Court Judge. Senator Ranzenhofer has represented Batavia and Genesee County since 2008 and has been a practicing lawyer for over 35 years.

“This coming November 5 you have an opportunity to elect a Batavia City Court Judge with proven judicial experience, integrity, judicial temperament and commitment to the community. It is for these reasons that I proudly support Hon. Durin B. Rogers in his effort to become your next full-time Batavia City Court Judge. I have known Judge Rogers for many years now as an attorney and colleague practicing law throughout the GLOW region and most recently as Judge of the Batavia City Court…He is well respected on and off the bench and I have had the opportunity to appear in front of Judge Rogers on the bench and opposite him as Deputy County Attorney for Genesee County. I found Judge Rogers’ approach in both capacities to be professional, knowledgeable, reasonable and fair.”

Senator Ranzenhofer also stressed Judge Rogers’ community service in support of his endorsement stating: “In addition to his service as a public attorney, he has served the legal community and its members as a past President of the Genesee County Bar Association bringing the “People’s Law Series,” …to provide low cost legal education and seminars to the residents of Genesee County…Judge Rogers has and will continue to be a fair judge and listen to all sides before making well-reasoned decisions…Please join me in supporting Judge Durin B. Rogers as your next full-time Batavia City Court Judge,”

Senator Ranzenhofer joins a significant number of Batavia and area officials and organizations who have backed Judge Rogers in his quest to succeed Judge Balbick and become Batavia’s next full-time City Court Judge. Responding to the Ranzenhofer endorsement, Judge Rogers commented: “I truly appreciate Senator Ranzenhofer’scomments and his support. Over the past many years, the Batavia City Court has become a well-respected part of our system of Justice. I have worked with Judge Balbick over the past four years and we are always considering ways to improve the Court’s ability to meet Batavia’s evolving needs. I am committed to carrying on those efforts in the years to come if elected as Batavia’s next full-time Judge.”

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