RTS to Continue Regular Service in Rochester and Genesee County

Written by on March 15, 2020

News Release

Following State of Emergency declarations this weekend in every county served by the Regional Transit Service, and confirmation of the second case of coronavirus in Monroe County, RTS released the following information today.

“Based on conversations over the past few days with Monroe County Executive Adam Bello, Monroe County Commissioner of Public Health Dr. Michael Mendoza, RTS will continue providing service based on our normal schedule,” said RTS CEO Bill Carpenter. “Any future decisions we make regarding RTS service will be based on science, facts, and guidance from Governor Andrew Cuomo, the NYS Department of Health, County Executive Bello, and Dr. Mendoza.”

Preventive Measures:

To help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, RTS has taken the following steps:

Bus & Facility Cleaning:

  • Buses are cleaned every day and detail cleaned with disinfecting wipes according to guidance from the NYS Department of Health.
  • The RTS Transit Center is being cleaned and wiped down three times a day.

Contingency Plan:

If the virus spreads and leads to RTS needing to reduce service, we will do so in a way that is responsible and easy to understand. We have a plan in place and are ready to implement it if needed. To be clear, RTS is not implementing a service reduction at this time.

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