Village of LeRoy declares State of Emergency
Written by WBTA STAFF on March 20, 2020
Press Release:
Greg Rogers, Village of LeRoy Mayor declared a State of Emergency at on March 19, 2020 and issued an Emergency Order effective March 19, 2020 beginning at 1:00 pm.
Village of LeRoy Office and DPW Garage are closed to the public effective March 19, 2020 for five (5) days unless rescinded earlier or renewed in five (5) day increments.
The Village will conduct business with the public remotely through the use of phones, computers, mail, or other means.
Village Clerk-Treasurer
Sewer bills will be received by mail, and may be dropped off in the drop box located on the west side of Village Hall. They will be processed during regular business hours. You may email the Clerk-Treasurer to inquire about other services.
Phone number (585)768-2527, extension 2216