Vintage Aircraft Stage Fly-Over in Batavia

Written by on May 15, 2020

Batavia missed out on the Air Force fly-over earlier this week but we will still see one tomorrow.

The aircraft will be a little slower and noisier but the intent will be the same.

The National Warplane Museum in Geneseo is ready to pay tribute to those on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Operation Thanks from Above” is scheduled to fly-over the V-A Hospital in Batavia and United Memorial Medical Center at about 11:24 tomorrow morning.
You may want to add a few minutes on either side of the scheduled 11:24a.m time to be sure you don’t miss it.

The flyover will be led by Whiskey 7, a Douglas C-47 that is a part of the annual Warplane Museum’s annual airshow in Geneseo.

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