Written by Dan Fischer on March 15, 2020
Batavia and Genesee County now officially under a State of Emergency due to the Corona Virus.
County officials made the declaration early last evening.
That declaration also announced the closing of all schools in Genesee County – including the Batavia City School District – effective tomorrow.
The schools will remain closed until further notice.
County Health Director Paul Petit said that there have been no confirmed cases of the COVID 19 virus in Genesee County, he noted there have been confirmed cases in neighboring Monroe County.
Petit said it is, quote, “inevitable we will see cases here in Genesee County.
A State of Emergency has also been declared in Orleans, Wyoming and Livingston Counties, closing schools there until further notice.
There is a growing list of community event postponements and cancellations, along with several churches that have cancelled services for today. That list cane be seen on the cancellation page of our website, WBTAi-dot-com. That list will be updated throughout the day.
A State of Emergency, as declared in Genesee and Wyoming Counties, is a technicality. The declaration allows the affected municipalities and school districts to procure goods and services from higher level government agencies.
Officials stressed that the State of Emergency does not in any way impact travel.
National Grid, the largest electric utility in the area has announced it is suspending collections related activity. The company says there will be no service disconnections through the end of April.
WBTA is devoting the entire hour of our Main and Center tomorrow morning to the local response and readiness to COVID 19.
Among our guests will be representatives from the Genesee-Orleans Health Department and Daniel Ireland, the President of United Memorial Medical Center.
We will be taking your phoned in questions.
Our program begins after the news at 9 tomorrow morning on all the platforms of WBTA: including WBTA AM and FM, and streaming at WBTAi.com or via our mobile app.