Weekend News Brief

Written by on November 21, 2020

Multiple fires were reported on Friday with at least 2 being investigated as deliberately set.  Fires popped up in towns of Alabama, Elba, Pavilion and Darien.  One burned a corn field and another came near a home.  2 in the city of Batavia are being scrutinized more closely.  One was in a dumpster at School and Cedar Street and is thought to be linked to a brush fire at 29 Liberty Street that burned in multiple along one lot near an abandoned trailer.  Fire Chief Napolitano says that “With fires at multiple locations, it warrants an extremely closer look.”  All the fires were put out quickly.

From Friday afternoon Genesee county had 17 new cases for a total of 652 cases since the beginning of the pandemic.  19 people have recovered since Thursday.  Orleans county had 1 new case for a total of 542 cases since the beginning of the Pandemic and 29 people had recovered since Thursday.  There are 8 people hospitalized in Genesee county and 3 in Orleans county.  There are a total of 128 active cases in Genesee county and 44 in Orleans.  Governor Cuomo announced Friday that New York State is at a 2.91 percent 7 day rolling average of positive cases.  He partially blames the high numbers on the increased testing in the state and said that the micro cluster strategy will continue.  Genesee county is in danger of turning yellow and possibly orange as the rate of positive testing is above what is needed for micro cluster designation at least in the city of Batavia.

At a press conference in Medina on Thursday Senator Chuck Schumer said that he is working with major and minor league baseball to try to save the Muckdogs in Batavia.  He did announce that The Washington Nationals would be moving their aaa affiliation to Rochester with the Red Wings instead of Fresno California.

The Batavia City Council meeting on Monday will be in person and open to the public with the meeting being viewable online at YouTube or On the City’s Facebook page.  Spectrum will also carry the meeting on channel 1301 on Wednesday at 9am and Friday at 8pm.

Due to COVID Cases linked to a funeral at St Josephs in person mass at Resurrection Parish are canceled until November 28th.  5 members of a family that attended a funeral on the 12th have tested positive for the coronavirus.  The Parish announced that they are closing for extra cleaning and continue to disinfect everyday even when no one has been in the church.  They want the public to know they have been wearing masks and social distancing and disinfecting the entire building after every mass.

TF Browns restaurant will be closed from the 22nd through the 28th for safety and for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Mancuso bowling center will remain open just for league play.

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