Weekend News Brief

Written by on December 12, 2020

The FDA approved the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Friday for emergency use to fight the pandemic.  The approval for Moderna’s vaccine is expected in the nest few days.  By Monday New York state should have roughly half a million doses of COVID-19 vaccines available and being distributed to 90 distribution centers across the state.  Most are in New York City.

COVID Update From Friday Afternoon: Genesee county has 31 new cases and 42 people have recovered, 22 are hospitalized.  Orleans county has 21 new cases and 14 have recovered, 3 are hospitalized.  There are 176 active cases in Genesee county and 144 in Orleans.

The water will be turned off for residents of Ellicott st between Ellicott Place and Harvester ave, Harvester Av between Ellicott st and place and Colorado ave for the replacement of a fire hydrant on Monday from about 8am to 3pm.   This could cause water to be discolored in the area.  If you have discolored water don’t do laundry, run the taps for a few minutes to flush out the lines.  If they can’t do the replacement Monday it will get pushed back to Tuesday

The highway department wants to remind people that winter comes with a few changes to how they drive and take care of their properties.  First, to prevent accidents, slow down and make sure your tires are ready for snow driving.  Keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you to provide more time to slow down and stop if needed.  It is illegal to plow your driveway and deposit the snow into the roadway.  Putting snow from driveways into the road can cause accidents and is punishable with a 1000 dollars a day fine.  The highway department may have to reduce plowing because drivers are quarantining with COVID and this can lead to bad driving conditions.  Be aware of the snow on the ground and drive safely.

GLOW Women Rise is hosting online events to uplift and destress during these troubled times.  The first is on Monday December 14th at 6:30pm and is called practical self care and adult bingo.  Check glowwomenrise.org for details.

A big thanks to everyone who brought toys to the WBTA toy drive at Ken Barret Chevrolet and Cadillac on Friday.  Many cars and trucks piled high came in and gave to the Salvation Army to make sure that kids in Batavia get a Christmas!  Also thanks to the Fire department and Ken Barretts for helping and hosting the 37th annual toy drive.  You can still give by dropping off directly to Salvation Army or using the Walmart Gift Registry.

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