Weekend News Brief

Written by on April 17, 2021

Rochester has earned a distinction as the number 1 best city to live in post pandemic in the northeast.  Business Insider compiled the list and judged based on ability to work from home, housing affordability and cost of living among other factors.  Rochester came in 7th overall for the whole country.

Missing 14 year old Elizabeth Jones has been located and returned home safely.  She went missing on Wednesday and Batavia Police were asking the community for help finding her. They say that tips from the community lead them to her.

Batavia Police are asking the community for any information on an accident that occurred March 17th on Norris Ave.  The accident involved a Doordash driver who was operating a dark colored older model compact truck.  If you have any information call 5853456444 or email officer Perkins at aperkins@batavianewyork.com.

COVID Update:  From Friday at 4pm Genesee county has 17 new cases and 19 people have recovered.  1 of the new cases is at the Grand Rehab and Nursing Center.  We are saddened to report the death of a community member from COVID.  Orleans county has 16 new cases and 9 people have recovered.  1 of the new cases is a resident at Orchard Rehab and Nursing Center.  There are 86 active cases in Genesee county and 74 in Orleans.  Genesee county has nearly 14 thousand people who have completed their vaccine series and Orleans county has 8 thousand people who have had both shots.  In New York State 26.4 percent of the population have had both vaccine doses.  New York is 11th in the country in rate of vaccination.

Next Saturday is Earth Day and the Ellicott Trail needs some TLC.  From 9am till its done volunteers are needed to do Earth Day Cleanup on the trail.  Gloves, trash bags and a trail assignment will be given out to complete the 5 miles of the trail.  If you would like to volunteer but cannot attend the Earth Day Cleanup, please sign up through “Friends of Ellicott Trail” with John Roche from Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle at: adammiller2@verizon.net or go to their website.

For the second year in a row the Stafford Historical Society has announced that the Taste of Stafford will not be held this year due to COVID concerns.  According to their statement “The Taste of Stafford, started in 2005, was usually held in Ilette Park in July. We usually worry about the weather, but now we have more to consider in light of the coronavirus pandemic.”

St Paul Lutheran School is doing 2 fundraisers the first is on Wednesday with Batavia’s Original from 4 to 9pm.  Order between those times and a percentage of the sales will benefit the Tuition Assistance account for the school.  The second is a hanging basket fundraiser.  Buy a coupon from the school for 22 dollars and use them at Delre’s Greenhouse for a flower and color of your choice between May 15th and May 28th.

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