Weekend News Briefing
Written by WBTA STAFF on August 31, 2019
Two Batavia men and two Rochester residents have been arrested for drug possession following the execution of a search warrant in the City.
The Genesee County Drug Task Force along with the Batavia Emergency Response Team executed a search warrant on Pearl Street Thursday night at approximately 9:30 p.m.
29 year old Marc Cook Sr. of Pearl Street, 40 year old Matthew Olcott of Woodstock Gardens, and 18 year old Aamaje Bell of Rochester were all hit with counts of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance, and Criminally Using Drug Paraphernalia along with various other charges and were all released with appearance tickets for Batavia City Court on September 17th.
36 year old Edwin Peart Jr. also of Rochester was charged with felony level counts of both Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance, Tampering with Physical Evidence and Promoting Prison Contraband along with a misdemeanor count of Obstructing Governmental Administration.
Peart was ordered to be jailed without bail.
Sheriff’s Deputies bust a Batavia parolee for bringing drugs into jail.
30 year old Jenna Josephite of West Main Street Road is facing counts of Criminally Using Drug Paraphernalia and Promoting Prison Contraband both in the second degree.
Genesee County Correctional Officers processing Josephite into the county jail on a petit larceny arrest allegedly found her in possession of a metal smoking pipe.
Josephite who is currently under supervision of State Parole for previous drug possession has been issued a Parole Detainer and was remanded to the Genesee County Jail in lieu of $500 bail.
State Police focus on commercial motor vehicles during aggressive driving enforcement campaign.
From Monday, August 26 through Wednesday, August 28, members of the New York State Police held an enforcement campaign focusing on aggressive behaviors of commercial motor vehicle operators.
As a result, over the three-day period, State Police conducted 1025 Inspections, issued 42 tickets for speed, 26 tickets for seat belt, five tickets for unsafe lane changing, 265 other moving violations and 352 tickets for non-moving violations. During the detail, 258 commercial vehicles were taken out of service during the inspections.
The governor of New York is sending help to Florida ahead of Hurricane Dorian.
In a statement, Governor Andrew Cuomo says an Incident Management Team of 26 personnel will leave for Tallahassee Sunday morning.
Dorian has strengthened to a powerful category four hurricane and is expected to hit Florida sometime early next week.
Cuomo says they “stand ready to assist Florida and any other community impacted by the storm.”