Weekend News Briefing
Written by WBTA STAFF on November 2, 2019
The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office reports the arrest of 43 year old Stacy Watson of Liberty Street, Batavia and 46 year old Jennifer Mcauley of Shelby Basin Road, Medina following investigation into a reported larceny from the Home Depot Store in Batavia.
Deputies responded to the Home Depot Tuesday afternoon for a reported larceny complaint.
According to investigators Watson who was a former Home Depot employee allegedly conspired with Mcauley to steal merchandise from the store.
Both were charged with Conspiracy and Petit Larceny and both were released with appearance tickets returnable to the Batavia Town Court on November 14th.
The county’s Economic Development Center has approved tax breaks for a 9 and a half million dollar project in LeRoy.
Wright Associates had asked for $850,000 in mortgage, sales and property tax exemptions.
Wright Associates is a beverage distribution company based in Rochester.
They plan to build out a new facility in LeRoy and create 125 new jobs.
According to the County Highway Department, Bloomingdale Road between Wright Road and Tensow Road in Alabama will be closed through Dec. 6. And the road will NOT be passable for regular traffic or emergency vehicles.
The highway department says notifications will be given once the road has re-opened.
Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency for Cayuga, Chautauqua, Dutchess, Erie, Essex, Hamilton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida, Saratoga and Warren Counties as heavy rains and high winds have caused flooding and power outages throughout most of the state.
The extreme weather has caused nearly 60 road closures across the state and has left more than 241,000 buildings or homes without power.
The Governor has deployed 200 members of the National Guard to assist with response and clean-up operations.
Currently there are only around 70 customers still waiting for power restoration across the entire GLOW region.
The Genesee County Health Department has recently been awarded a grant to provide the hepatitis A vaccine to food-service workers at no cost to them or the employer.
In Western New York and across the United States, foodborne outbreaks of hepatitis A have occurred as a result of infected food-service workers.
Restaurants or food services workers who are interested in receiving the Hepatitis A vaccine should contact the Genesee County Health Department immediately as this opportunity is ending on Dec. 31.
The supply is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Americans will gain an extra hour of sleep this weekend as Sunday marks the end of daylight saving time.
At 2:00 a.m. on November 3rd, people across the U.S. will need to turn their clocks back one hour to reflect the new time.