Afternoon News Brief
Written by Tom Tharp on October 14, 2020
The city council of Batavia has no plans to cancel or limit trick or treating this year. Interim City Manager Rachel Tabelski did say that residents should be informed of the CDC trick or treat guideline. The CDC says that people handing out candy should avoid direct contact with trick or treaters, should hand out the candy outdoors or give out pre bagged treats, wash their hands and wear a mask. The CDC has marked Genesee county as an area safe for trick or treating.
Governor Cuomo announced 3 more state have been added to the list of states that travelers coming from into NY will have to quarantine. Ohio, Michigan, and Virginia make the list 38 states.
COVID Update: due to a technical issue at the County health department we do not have numbers for Genesee county but Orleans county has 11 new cases over the long weekend and 10 new people are on travel quarantine. There are 17 active cases in Orleans county. Genesee county information will be updated for tomorrows broadcast.
Congressman Chris Jacobs has cosponsored the smart act to allocate 500 billion dollars to local and tribal governments that did not meet the threshold of 500 thousand residents. This money would be given to states which would be required to release one third of that money to local governments.
The city of Batavia fire department will be flushing hydrants north of main street and east of bank street Thursday and Friday. This could result in discoloration of water in homes and businesses nearby. If you have discolored water wait a bit to do laundry. Running the taps for 5 minutes or so may clear the water.