City of Batavia Issues Corona Virus Statement
Written by Dan Fischer on March 12, 2020
News Release
The City of Batavia is taking all reasonable precautions to keep City employees and residents safe from contracting and spreading the flu and Coronavirus. The City will continue to clean all facilities and wipe down all “high-touch” surfaces during the day to keep residents and staff healthy and safe.
• The City has issued a ban on all non-essential training travel for personnel, however personnel are encouraged to participate in online training when available.
• All City meeting facilities and conference rooms will be closed for external bookings and meetings at this time until further notice.
• City staff is directed to attend meetings via conference call when able and reduce contact with colleagues and professional service vendors.
• The City Management will be attending daily internal briefings to assess readiness and stay up to date on the latest developments.
• The City, and the County Manager and emergency personnel and other public organizations continue to coordinate with each other to keep information flowing.
For residents and customers of the City, we encourage you to continue to use common sense and when possible conduct your business via phone and email especially if you have flu like symptoms. The City has multiple options for you to pay your bills and is happy to speak to you via phone (585) 345-6300 and press 5. Also, you may email by going to the City website under the contact us link if you have any questions.
Residents who need to pay utility bills, taxes, parking tickets, and other miscellaneous bills are encouraged to use the drop box outside of City Hall, pay through personal online banking, call with a credit card number (fee will apply), or mail your payment.
If you need a dog license, hunting/fishing license, birth, death or marriage certificate/license we encourage you to plan ahead. We may be able to process your application via email or fax. You can also obtain information from the Frequently Asked Questions section on the City Clerk’s Page. You can prepare your documents in advance of your trip to the Clerk’s Office so you only need to come in once.
Visit the City Clerk’s webpage for application instructions for the following documents:
• Birth certificate
• Marriage certificate
• Death certificate
A visit to the City Clerk’s is still required for the following:
• Marriage license
• Dog license
• Hunting/Fishing license
All official updates on Coronavirus will continue to come from the Genesee County Health Department and you can stay up-to-date by visiting the County’s website HERE