Evening News Brief
Written by Tom Tharp on July 14, 2021
The Audubon Society says you should take your bird feeders down. A neurological disease is killing birds, mostly grackles, blue jays, starlings, and robins in Ohio, middle Atlantic States and Pennsylvania. A few deaths have been recorded in New York but people who have bird feeders are advised to take them down till late fall so birds will be less likely to congregate and get sick from each other. For those who are worried whether the birds have enough to eat the Audubon society says this is the time of year when food is plentiful and bird feeders are just snacks for most birds right now.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley is hosting a virtual Town Hall event tomorrow night titled “Imagine an Independent Greater Western New York.” The event is set to start at 7:30 pm. He will be joined by Sen. George Borello and attorney James Ostrowski. Hawley will defend the merits of making the region its own state; Borello will discuss the benefits of making the area an autonomous zone within the state; and Ostrowski will detail the benefits of following a path of nullification of disagreeable laws by local sheriffs and elected officials. In order to participate in this Zoom Town Hall you have to register. Follow the link on WBTAi.com.
The Batavia Fire Department has become the first department in the state to join the Public Safety Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative. The goal of the initiative is to provide addicts with a pathway to treatment and recovery without the fear of being arrested. It allows anyone to go to the fire department and turn in either drug paraphernalia or drugs themselves, and they’ll receive the tools they need to jump on the path to recovery. Nearby police departments such as the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, LeRoy Police and Batavia Police are all each a part of the initiative as well.