Evening News Update

Written by on March 4, 2021

An accident in Stafford between and garbage truck and a passenger vehicle was deadly.  Details are scarce at the moment but it appears to have been a tbone accident at the intersection of Rt 237 and Randall Road.  Mercy Flight responded to the scene and additional emergency responders were needed to extricate the driver of one vehicle.  There has been 1 fatality confirmed.

Genesee county park and forest is starting up their birding walks March 6th.  There will be 4 walks, the 6th, 20th, April 10th and May 1st from 7am to 10am.  Birding walk is led by a guide and takes you through forest, meadow and wetland habitats and helps you identify birds by sound and sight.  Perfect for beginner and experienced birders. These 1 mile walks are free.  Masks must be worn whenever unable to maintain 6 feet of social distance.  Pre-register by calling 585-344-1122.

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